
PLEURA - Decortication

This is greatly-thickened pleura, which has been stripped from the surface of the lung and the chest wall. The rib markings are clearly seen on the medial surface of each specimen, which otherwise shows extensive fibrous thickening around an area of fibrin and necrotic debris.
This Maori boy was admitted on 8th August 1976, with a three-day history of fever, cough, blood-stained yellow sputum, and pain in the left side of the abdomen on deep breathing. The signs were those of a left lower lobe pneumonia, and review of previous chest films showed changes suggestive of bronchiectasis in the left lower lobe. He had a history of a number of attacks of respiratory infection since childhood. His clinical condition improved, but he showed increasing inability of the left chest, with a mild degree of scoliosis and, approximately one month later, decortication was carried out. Two years later, a left lower lobectomy and lingular resection for bronchiectasis was carrried out.